Curriculum vitae
Assistant Research ProfessorMontana State University
At Montana State University, I teach Conservation Biology, Principles of Biodiversity, and Plants of the Rocky Mountains. I also conduct research on the mechanisms of plant species responses to climate change and on fire effects of understory plants in western US forests.
Post-doctoral ResearcherDepartment of Plant Sciences
University of California, Davis
While a post-doc at UC Davis, I conducted research on the effects of prescribed fire and natural fire on plant understory communities and forest structure. I worked under Dr. Malcolm North at the Teakettle Experimental Forest and on the Power Fire on the western slope of the Sierra Nevada.
Ph.D. Student
Graduate Group in Ecology
University of California, Davis
For my Ph.D. dissertation, I examined the tree species dynamics at treeline in the Great Basin in response to climate change. I looked specifically at the mismatch between predictors of adult and young distributions and what that might mean for future species distributions.