Smithers, BV, Oldfather, MF, Koontz, MJ, Bishop, J, Bishop, C, Nachlinger, J, Sheth, SN. 2019. Community turnover by composition and climatic affinity across scales in an alpine system. American Journal of Botany 107:2. DOI: 10.1002/ajb2.1376
Smithers, BV, Millar, CI, Latimer, AM, North, MP. 2018. Leap frog in slow motion: Divergent responses of tree species and life stages to climatic warming in Great Basin subalpine forests. Global Change Biology 24:2. DOI: 10.1111/gcb.13881.
Smithers, BV, CI Millar. “Playing Climate Change Leap-frog with Very Slow Motion.” University of California Natural Reserve System Newsletter. February 2018.
Smithers, BV. “Playing Climate Change Leap-frog with Very Slow Motion.” White Mountain Research Center Newsletter. Fall 2017.
Mechanisms of range shifts in Great Basin sub-alpine forests
Smithers, BV. 2017. Mechanisms of range shift in Great Basin sub-alpine forests Doctoral dissertation. University of California, Davis.
Dual foraging and coordinated provisioning in a tropical Procellariform, the wedge-tailed shearwater
Congdon, BC, Krockenberger, AK, Smithers BV. 2005. Dual foraging and coordinated provisioning in a tropical Procellariform, the wedge-tailed shearwater. Marine Ecology Progress Series 310: 293-301.
Peck, DR. BV Smithers, AK Krockenberger, and BC Congdon. 2004. Sea surface temperature constrains wedge-tailed shearwater foraging success within breeding seasons. Marine Ecology Progress Series 281: 259-266.
Smithers, BV, DR Peck, AK Krockenberger, and BC Congdon. 2003. Elevated sea-surface temperature, reduced provisioning and reproductive failure of wedge-tailed shearwaters (Puffinus pacificus) in the southern Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Marine and Freshwater Research 54: 973-977.
Germination and survival in limber pine and Great Basin bristlecone pine in the Great Basin White Mountains
in review
Smithers, BV, North, MP. 2018. Germination and survival in limber pine and Great Basin bristlecone
pine in the Great Basin White Mountains. Forest Ecology and Management.
Drought effects on germination and survival of Great Basin sub-alpine forest tree seedlings
in review
Smithers, BV. Bell, D. 2018. Drought effects on germination and survival of Great Basin sub-alpine forest tree seedlings. Forest Ecology and Management.
Interspecific interactions in species range expansion: ectomycorrhizal associations with treeline advance in bristlecone pine forests
Boaz, B, Smithers, BV, Bruns, T. Interspecific interactions in species range expansion: ectomycorrhizal associations with treeline advance in bristlecone pine forests
in prep
Proximity efects on water use efficience in Great Basin sub-alpine forests
Smithers, BV, Maxwell, T, da Silva, L. Proximity effects on water use efficiency in Great Basin sub-alpine forests.
in prep
Dispersal advantages in species range shifts: population structure differences in limber pine and Great Basin bristlecone pine
Mayo, M, Smithers, BV. Dispersal advantages in species range shifts: population structure differences in limber pine and Great Basin bristlecone pine.
in prep
Additive smoke deficit in Sierra Nevada airsheds as a result of fire suppression
North, MP, Smithers, BV, Odland, M. Additive smoke deficit in Sierra Nevada airsheds as a result of fire suppression.